- Mentoring
- Career Development
- Academic Advising
- Leadership Training
- Networking and Community Development
Applications due May 20, 2022 by 11:59pm

Latinas in Medicine is seeking students from San Diego County who have the intention of entering a health professional field.
California is experiencing an increasing shortage of primary care physicians.
Only 2.4% of physicians are Latina!
The California Healthcare Workforce commission has recently estimated that approximately seven million Californians live in a Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA), a federal designation for counties experiencing a shortage of primary care, dental or mental health care providers
A complete Latinas in Medicine Scholar Application consists of the following:
- Complete online application with essay.
- One (1) letter of reference, with preference for an academic professor or teacher or a volunteer/work supervisor.
- An electronic copy of your current academic transcript (either high school, community college or underrate).
For assistance or any questions, please email latinasinmedicine@gmail.org
Be sure to submit before the deadline: Friday, May 20, 2022 at 11:59pm
Please allow yourself a minimum of three weeks to complete all the requested information (demographics, contacts, academics, extracurricular activities, essay, letter of reference and transcript). With the online application you may save your responses and continue later.